Om "morgonstund har guld i mun" - vad har då lunchtid?
Kunde icke somna inatt så jag satt uppe och surfade i köket. Tänkte inte så mycket på det, det blev mörkt så jag tände kökslampan och sedan blev det ljust igen så då släckte jag kökslampan. Vid sisådär femsnåret började jag känna att nu kan jag nog somna och vad händer när man gör så? Pjo man missar nästan hela nationaldagen =(
Nåja, vad är väl en bal på slottet?
Grävde lite i mina gömmor på hårddisken inatt och hittade nedanstående lilla ljuvel, lite småcharmig sådär - tyvärr är den ju på engelska dårå. Från början var det svenska men jag översatte alla mina (inte så jädrans många) berättelser för att lägga upp dem på nätet. Sedan dog datorn och tog de svenska orginalen med sig i graven. Att översätta alltihop en gång till är bara lite för mycket jobb :)
A short story
Why he keeps making tea I do not understand. He can't drink it, but I have to buy new tea all the time because he keeps using it all up!
It's not like I'm made of money.
I don't know were he came from or what he wants, one morning when I woke up there was a pot of freshly brewed tea on the table and a presence in the house. At first I was quite intimidated, even scared, but I soon calmed down. He seems to be a friendly soul, most of the time hes just muffling about, making pots of tea and the rest of the time he pretty much stays out of my way.
After watching movies like poltergeist my whole life I thought that having a ghost in my house would be more of an inconvenience. I would have thought there'd be more aggression and stuff flying about, cats suddenly appearing and such things. But at the moment things have mellowed down, I'm getting used to his presence and don't think much about it anymore. Of course that could change later on.
At least there is always a fresh pot of tea in the house, and the chap does make very good tea.
I just wish his biscuits were as nice; he almost set the place on fire one night. I think he decided to make scones. Why on earth a ghost would want to make scones at three o'clock in the morning is beyond my capacity for understanding.
He must have panicked when the fire started and was running about making a mess when I woke up. It wasn't a big fire - yet, so I managed to put it out with the dishrag. After that I thought he disappeared but about two weeks later the tea started to show up again. It was almost a relief; I had been quite worried about the old chap.
There are of course disadvantages too, for some reason he does not approve of one of my carpets, so he keeps throwing it out on the street, now I happen to be very fond of this particular carpet, it has a lovely picture of two puppies on it, and I think I should have the right to choose what to put on the floors in my own house!
So he throws it out and I retrieve it, sometimes he is quite persistent and I feel like a golden retriever at the end of the day. But all things considered he's alright, maybe one day I'll find out just how he got here, and why.